
Showing posts from September, 2004
As we were very conveniently discussing in my room, the other night, there are two prerequisites for promotion of education in Pakistan. 1)More opportunities to impart higher education should be created. 2)Pakistan should be made a safe place to live. We can think of converting our educational scenario which will then attract potential students from abroad. Pakistan has a chance to commercialize its education industry in similar fashion to USA. Our potential customers being the Arab and the African countries. If that is effectively done Pakistan will command fare advantage in most underdeveloped parts of the world. This advantage can then be used to further our cause of existence. Pakistan can then truly emerge as the leader of the third world countries.    This thought is even more practical after the 9/11 incident. Doors of education for students from the third world are closing in the West. We can make use of this opportunity now.    We still have...
Grand Round.    Lately I have been seeing a drastic change in the grand round culture of the university. Earlier when the giants of surgery were here the grand rounds were a completely different phenomenon. They were tools for discussing all the out of ordinary or non-routine cases followed in the previous week. After brief patient presentations there were discussions over the treatment modalities and the management plans of such patients. Senior doctors used to grill their juniors for different management options and their approach towards such patients. In this way residents and students learned in a manner such that their basic drills were revised and new techniques and avenues of thought added.    Now its a completely different story in the grand rounds. The conducting doctors are not at all as good as those before them. Neither do they realize the true purpose of the grand rounds in surgery. They only use them to show off their powers and perso...
Medicine can be mischievous sometimes. There was this patient of mine who happened to present with long standing complaints of bleeding during micturation and high grade fever. He was initially admitted under the medicine team and as relentless as they are they got investigations on him worth fifty thousand rupees and still could reach no conclusive diagnosis. Thus the patient was handed over to the urology team. There he was re-evaluated and was advised further exploration under anesthesia. The plan was to get some tissue from his bladder and see if he had anything sinister. For this procedure protocol demands that he be seen by anesthesia team and declared fit for anesthesia. They got his X-ray chest and incidentally found out that the gentleman had dilatation of his aorta. Things got worse and a vascular surgery consult was sought. They asked for still further evaluation in form of CT scans of chest and abdomen to see the extent of the dilatation. After the tests the patien...
I am thinking of writing a letter to the hostel manager about the degrading situation of every thing in this hostel.
Male hostel these days is semi deserted. Everyone is onto a task or another.