
Showing posts from 2005




First of all i must take this opportunity to extend a very warm birthday wish to one of the giants of meribimur Kashif Majeed. He is a prized asset as is everyone else in this family. May you have many more beautiful years to come. May you become the best neurosurgeon in the world ameen. Then you must have noticed a little change in the page display settings. Minor yet significant. I have finally taken time out to remove the odd looking bar at the top. I didn't want to do it had it not given me the troubles. I mean it is only fair at the company's part to ask for advertising space but the CSS coding of these new templates makes them temper proof and then this bar starts giving troubles so off it went.

Last post from AKU

This will be my last posting from the frontier of AKU. I shall inshaAllah resume my work from my new base in Jhang.


Mabrook to all fresh Doctors of this honourable group.

Ali Azmat in town

Yet in another record breaking act of commercialism this institution has violated all the moral and proper rights of the population of this land. Right now there is a concert going on in the football feild of this university with all woofers and guns blazing. Ali Azmat and Ali Zafar are providing the necessary recreation. But the mind numbing noise that this event is creating has made the life of healthy and unhealthy living beings in teh vicintiy nearly impossible. I have all my feelings for the patients who are just few hundred meters away in their rooms sick of all kinds of diseases in this hospital and the one next to it. I mean where in teh world are commercial rock concerts held in the premises of the hospital. You will find this prime example only here. I have heard there is curently a ban on all kinds ofconcerts in the city!! Bravo, as i would liek to say!
It is the est time of the year for male hostellites who have been granted free internet access in the AKULRC.
its time to leave
...And now lemme justify or, if you'd be kind enough to allow the term, explain why all that talk about sex! I live in a male hostel at the Aga Khan university. Someday, I'll write a long article on hostel life, but today just lemme throw one piece of clarifying info out. There are no gays here. At least none I've encountered in the last five years of my stay here. Of course, I could be a closet homo, enjoying what little man-on-man action I could elicit from a few like-minded friends, but that depends on what you'd rather believe. :) Anyway, I have lived in the hostel for five years. Have seen it all, inside out. Been a part of all the secret cults and societies that inevitably develop in a men's hostel. And I can safely say that 90% -- he, cross that figure -- 95% of the men here are sexually deprived (Dunno about the female hostel, I'll reserve judgement on them in my spirit of gentlemanliness). Frustration abounds. Pornography rules. Jacking off? Well, guys ...
Yea...I'm slipping this bit about sex in between a string of posts about my Aitkaf experience precisely because I wanna convey one message. It's not that dirty, folks. Now I can understand why premarital and adulterated -- excuse the pun and the horrible horrible slaughter of grammar -- sex is outlawed in Islam, but let's talk about it, shall we? Let's be open and fair and prod this creature called taboo right in its hiny, see what we can make of it! So what about sex, you ask, a bit shakily, a bit nervous. I close my eyes and groan. 'Cuz you know, buddy. You do, and yet you pretend ignorance. Sex is important from a human POV. It's healthy (as long as you keep yer damned fetishes to yerself!), it's a stress reliever, and it's important for conception...but most of all, it's a part of you. Like eating and pooping... Our society is male-dominated, no question about it. So is our Western counterpart, although the majority of their populace doesn't ...

LB polls

GEO has been keeping us all updated on the results of the local body elections 2005 through their correspondents. I was listening to these results and some of the discussions cum wars raging on TV just yesterday. Pretty interesting and disappointing event. Interesting in the sense that our nation has proven once again that we deserve to remain enslaved by the tyrants. Disappointing in the sense that the winning parties are the most colourless parties in the towns. In Karachi the rulers have made sure that their party wins each and every seat. Pretty much expected results with MQM sweeping the stakes here. In Punjab similar results with PML backed mobsters have been sweeping away the earth from under the nation's feet. Haven't really been listening to the results from Sarhad. It will be interesting to know who wins there since the province is ruled by the MMA .
Happy birthday to Mujtaba from all the members of this elite forum. May you have many more man...yea many more chiks!
annual day 2004 
time flys away 
I'm back...............
thats wat i cal clarity 
All the bloggers on this forum wish MAK a very happy birthday! Dude may you have many more.
Beach Trip Mujji 
Beach Trip 3 
Beach Trip 2 
Beach Trip 1 
Leiden 1 
So speaks the lover.. .    Usman has an amazing piece up on his blog. Guys go read.
I give to thee our very own lollyCRAP!!!! 
Sindh Provincial Youth Convention.    I had a chance to represent my university at the first ever Sindh provincial youth convention at the Karachi University. The event was held in the arts auditorium of the KU from 9 th February to 11 th February. The mega event, that it was, attracted lots of media attention as well as comments from various circles of the society. It was organized with the active help of HEC in order to select student representatives from provincial level to represent Sindh at the annual youth convention in Islamabad.    The event was a very interesting affair as far as I was concerned. We were invited on a very short notice and very few details as to the format of the event were made available. So much so that the themes for the convention were revised on the very last day. I was a part of a three member team sent the the way of Karachi University for the convention. None of us was in a very declamatory mood thus we decided to k...

A sad loss

   The untimely and sad demise of Juniad's khala at a tender young age is sad and awakening. This reminds us that life is indeed very short and there is good great deal to accomplish so we need to hurry up and spread as much love and happiness as we can. In this way there will be no remorse left behind.

Group Name

   Fawad writes, QUAERE VERUM seek the truth SEMPER PRIMUS always first CEDE NULLIS yield to none MERIBIMUR we shall be worthy ( i prefer thee)

Group name

   The name is a source of identity for an individual for an object and even for a group. It is near and dear to anything it belongs. We are in search of a name for our yahoo group. Suggestions are welcome from everyone. Try to think of names that are not common. Few suggestions are as follows: 1- Kashif of Vispurz suggests: VaLCeNaTi VaLeTiF Dirigeants. 2- Hussain of Bulub suggests: fugit hora >> Latin for time flies                                            fiat lux >> Latin let there be light                                            alexipharmak...
I got this picture from a blog and now dnt remember which one. i would like to thank the contributor. I publish this picture with an honest intent. So everyone enjoy!