Ali Azmat in town

Yet in another record breaking act of commercialism this institution has violated all the moral and proper rights of the population of this land. Right now there is a concert going on in the football feild of this university with all woofers and guns blazing. Ali Azmat and Ali Zafar are providing the necessary recreation. But the mind numbing noise that this event is creating has made the life of healthy and unhealthy living beings in teh vicintiy nearly impossible. I have all my feelings for the patients who are just few hundred meters away in their rooms sick of all kinds of diseases in this hospital and the one next to it. I mean where in teh world are commercial rock concerts held in the premises of the hospital. You will find this prime example only here. I have heard there is curently a ban on all kinds ofconcerts in the city!! Bravo, as i would liek to say!


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