I advise caution because what is to follow doesn't sound very nice to every ear. I have reached a conclusion after many number of traumatic events in my academic life. Words may sound harsh and prejudiced but they are facts simple plain facts so I can't do anything but say them loud and clear. In The Aga Khan University Medical School one can be a successful student only one satisfies three pre-requisites. They are:
                                 1) Big Boobs
                                 2)Bigger Boobs/Nice firm ass to complement
                                 3)Ability to flirt around.
Since all these qualities are manifest in the fairer sex they are at advantage over the rest. If you don't have these miraculous qualities you can not score high no matter how hard you try. Just for example myself and Ali almost memorized the whole book in ENT and Eye rotation and performed way better both in terms of regularity and clinical skills yet are the lowest scorers in both rotations. This sucks big time. And I have no intention of studying anymore. Earlier I used to think that I was not trying hard enough then I started trying hard and I didn't work in the non prof rotation. I just thought that it was a chance bad luck. I tried even harder in the Eye ENT rotation and here are the results similar to the ones before. So one is bound to think that what is the point in studying if you can't score on merit. And this is the situation in a medical school that is supposed to be the best in the region. I don't know about the rest of the places, have a feeling its the same there too.

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